Course 2: Standing up for Truth
Lemlem's Courage
You took a brave first step with Lemlem's Courage - Course One. Through Lemlem's story, you saw the power of open talks, understanding, and strength. Just like Lemlem faced stigma and fear, your children will face their own battles - peer pressure, societal norms, and misinformation.
In "Lemlem's Courage - Course Two," you'll dive deep into the theme of standing up for truth. Through engaging storytelling, interactive challenges, and meaningful discussions, you and your child will explore the importance of honesty, communication, and empathy in solving problems and overcoming challenges.
In "Lemlem's Courage - Course Two," you'll dive deep into the theme of standing up for truth. Through engaging storytelling, interactive challenges, and meaningful discussions, you and your child will explore the importance of honesty, communication, and empathy in solving problems and overcoming challenges.